Another Recon Large! I cast this helmet back in the spring of 2023, and worked on it over the course of the summer/fall. The helmet is made from Smooth On’s Smooth-Cast 65D and ONYX resins cold cast with aluminum, bronze, and nickel-silver powders. Helmet is fully padded, has red/blinking green LEDs, and removable Mynock’s Den MHAS Range Finder and Side Module.
Check out the YouTube video explaining the paint job process below. Thanks for looking! 🍻
Reconnaissance-in-Force (RIF)
“We began to cross the river at midnight, though not in total darkness as we had hoped. The wind picked up recently and dispersed the cloud cover, bathing the landscape in the pale green light cast by the planet’s moons. The enemy will have no trouble spotting us, but this wind will make it impossible for their spotter droids to harass us from the air giving us the advantage, I thought.
A blaster bolt slammed into the water centimetres from my left shoulder, sending up a column of hissing steam. My feet found the rocky floor, and I scrambled up the bank, taking cover behind a large boulder, noting that my squad mates have done the same.
My helmet’s MHAS system sprang to life and painted several red markers over the enemy positions in my HUD. In a few seconds there will be a series of small craters at those coordinates, and the di’kutla aruetiise will never see it coming. I smiled, waiting….”