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Be’buir Buy’ce (Father’s Helmet)

“The Empire did a number on my home-world. The weapons they used insured that the planet would be left uninhabitable for many years. After our defeat, I abandoned The Way, but a year ago something began to whisper in my ear, drawing me back to this place. When I finally gathered the strength to return, I found my father’s helmet in the rubble of our old home, untouched by the devastation. My father used to say, ‘Luck and Chance are but names for Laws of the Universe not yet recognized’, and I can’t help but wonder if I was meant to learn this lesson here.”

Prior to casting (using a mix of Smooth-Cast 65D and ONYX resins by Smooth On), the helmet mold was powdered with fine aluminum powder. The center ridge was then carefully wiped down and re-powdered with bronze powder; the ear caps as well as the key-slot piece at the back of the helmet were also powdered with bronze. All the cured resin pieces were then polished up to bring out the metallic sheen of both metals. (This process of infusing metallic powders with resin is known as “cold casting”). Therefore, the wear you see on the helmet isn’t painted on but is the result of scraping off the paint job to reveal the polished metallic surface underneath, which adds realism. If you’re interested in how I do these kinds of textured paint jobs, check out the YouTube video explaining the process.

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