“This is an ancient helmet, with clan Cadera markings dating back to the days of the Old Republic, though it’s impossible to say which period for certain. I checked the internal displays but the helmet seems to be stuck in low power mode. The blue/yellow indicator lights still work, but the memory unit in the macrobinoculars is damaged. The pirate said it’s corrupted, but perhaps the right slicer can figure out a way to retrieve the data inside? Could this warrior have possibly lived in the time of Torian Cadera and the Grand Champion?! One of these days I’ll take it to someone to find out more…”
In 2019, when I first released the Recon, I ended up casting a helmet with some surface imperfections. I don’t really like selling my B-pulls, so I usually just use them for testing (or shoot them with arrows or airsoft guns for science!) This was my Recon test cast for 3 years. In November of 2022, I decided it was time to give it a paint job and make it an honorary member of the finished helmets club.
Since I’m on this “corked” textured look kick with my paint jobs lately (inspired by an authentic WWII US M1 helmet I own), I wanted to do something similar with the Recon but in tan.
I had an MHAS Macrobinoculars frame I printed 3 years ago as well (also a B-print with some delamination issues). I kept them with the thought of turning them into a fully finished item some day, which I finally did! I added a few greeblies (airsoft parts, LED housing parts, and custom resin-printed details etc) to the macros.
The red symbol painted on the left temple is the symbol of Clan Cadera (Torian from SWTOR).
If you’re interested in how I do these kinds of textured paint jobs, check out the YouTube video explaining the process.