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“Sir, a heavily damaged Lambda-class shuttle just dropped out of hyperspace …. It’s the commando team.” 

Moff Gideon stiffened visibly and turned toward the comms officer. “They’re two days late. Did they acquire the asset?”

“The target couldn’t be captured alive, but our team successfully recovered his helmet.” The comms officer paused a moment, listening intently to the audio coming through her headset. “They ran into complications on exfil,” she continued. “One, maybe two squadrons of Mandalorian fighters minutes behind them in hyperspace. They advise us to raise shields and launch fighters immediately.”

Gideon thought a moment, then walked over to the view port, scanning for the shuttle amidst the static field of stars. “Do as they suggest, Ensign, then signal Captain Pellaeon to join us. Tell him to bring the Sentinel, the Death’s Head and one or two support ships of his choosing.” The relic must be more important to the Mandalorians than I had realized, thought Gideon. Good. More salt for those fresh Mandalorian wounds.


Another Recon Large completed! I cast this helmet  in May 2023, but it sat on the shelf for over a month before I could get to painting it. The helmet is made from Smooth-Cast 65D and ONYX resins cold cast with aluminum powder. The paint job and finishing work took about 2 months on and off, working 3 hours one day, 4 hours two days later, etc, though I’m not exactly sure how many actual hours went into this build; time ceases to exist when I’m excited about a project and get into a flow state! Helmet is fully padded with removable padding that can be adjusted with foam inserts.

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